Change of Track – Faces of Multiple Sclerosis


A photo-text project of the

Photos: Markus Paulußen // Texts: Anke Breuer

(photo of the flyer; please have a look on the according German page)


Change-of-Track - changing track, one step forward, one step back,

half a step forward again, losing synchronicity, veer out of line, tread

a bumpy path, life plan A becomes  life plan C. People who are affected

by the diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis are familiar with the expression

"Changing Track”. We would like to introduce people with MS who

manage their changing track every day.


The Change-of-Track Project


Change of Track. Meanwhile this name is programme. Since the beginning of 2016 we, Markus Paulußen as photographer and Anke Breuer as textwriter, together with Marie-Luise Esser of the German Multiple Sclerosis Society of Cologne (DMSG) are working on our honorary photo-text project. We are finally showing people affected by MS, family, friends and interested parties the “1000 faces of the multiple sclerosis” in form of real faces and stories. Like you and me.


With our first participants, our MS pilots, we managed to arrive punctually at the NRW-starting-performance of the World-MS-Day in the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum in Cologne and to exhibit there our first change of track results.


Full of pride we would like to introduce to you the second round of track changers, who complement our exhibition in an excellent way. Again we had the pleasure to get to know four people with very different stories and one thing in common – namely the disease MS. And again we experienced an intensive time full of fun, thoughtful moments and interesting key experiences.


Apropos exhibition: Our exhibition in form of nine collages (measurements 100x70 cm per exhibit) and the corresponding three section panels with text (30x30 cm) can be loaned by the DMSG in Cologne! Contact: Deutsche Multiple Sklerose Gesellschaft Köln und Umgebung e.V., information: Marie-Luise Esser, Rolshover Straße 7-9, 51105 Cologne, Telephone: +49(0)221-690 99 54, Telefax +49 (0) 221-802 886 88, E-Mail :


We also would like to present our Change-of-Track in other cities! Because we, the MS Track Changers with our stories, are everywhere!